Only 30 years of experience and the competence of companies like the Pulino Marbles, can guarantee to the marble the valorization of its exceptional dowries of elegance and refinement.
Our company proposes the customers, with an immensest range of works for building and the furnishing to you, giving answer to the aesthetic expectations and of quality of architects, constructors, clients.
The acts of valid craftsmen allow us to face every architectonic solution for great and small complexes adopting solutions particular standards or shapes.
Today Pulino Marble Works has achieved worldwide Europe, East, Australia, United States, using the best materials working with ancient traditions and modern forms.
We arrange moreover, in exclusive right, of the new materials: Sicilian Picture Stone, Stone Pece, Stone Modica Latina, Comiso Antique Stone, Onice Ambrato, Perlato di Sicilia, Forest Brown, Martin Red Stone and Grigio Armani.
in evidence
Stone White Shell, Green Forest, Wood Stone,Travertino Onice, Rosato di Sicilia, Blu Mediterraneo, Juparanà Lux granite, Pietra Lavica and Palladio Red